Why I don’t do Black Friday Deals
As an artist and small business owner, I’ve often been asked if I’ll participate in Black Friday sales. The answer is simple: I don’t. And here’s why.
Black Friday promotes a culture of overconsumption that thrives on the idea of buying more for less, often at the expense of quality, sustainability, and small businesses. It’s a system designed to benefit large corporations, while handmade, slow-made businesses like mine struggle to compete with the expectations it creates.
At the heart of my work lies a belief in thoughtful consumption. Every piece I create is made with care, intention, and time. It’s not just about making something beautiful—it’s about making something lasting. This approach aligns with a lifestyle I deeply believe in: buying less, but buying better.
When you invest in something handmade, you’re not just buying a product—you’re supporting a story, a craft, and a community. The materials are carefully chosen, the process is slow and deliberate, and the result is something designed to last, not to be replaced by the next trending deal.
Black Friday sends the opposite message. It encourages us to focus on how much we can buy instead of how meaningful our purchases are. It favors convenience over connection, volume over value, and quantity over quality.
So, this year and every year, I’m opting out. Instead of slashing prices, I’m standing by the value of handmade art and the principles of sustainability and thoughtful living.
I hope you’ll join me in embracing a slower, more intentional way of consuming. Let’s support the small businesses, artisans, and creators who pour their hearts into their work. Together, we can make choices that matter—for ourselves, for our communities, and for the planet.
Thank you for understanding and for being part of this journey.
With gratitude,